Welcome to the story of my family, and an amazing journey of a little boy who is struggling to make his body work. If you are not familiar with Alex's story, check out my first blog in June (2010)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Special Few

There have been a few times in the last year where I have realized that admist the violence, hate, ignorance, and self-absorbance that we see on TV or witness in public places, there are some really great moments where you truly see the workings of God.

Take for example, the parent homework I had my students do one day. They were to ask their parents three simple questions. Who influenced you when you were young, did they disappoint you or fulfill you, and who influences you now? I had an overwhelming amount of responses that had God at the top of their lists. It was so refreshing to see that our parents are instilling the love, faith, and admiration for God and talking about it with their kids. I exepcted to see this response on a few kid's homework, but to see it so often and with such conviction was inspiring.

In a more personal experience, I have found that prayers, kindness, and encouragement were bestowed upon my family by my loved ones, friends, and many people who know us through a friend or relative. People that don't even know us have wished healing, peace, strength, and love for my family. We recieved a prayer bear from the ladies of Cook Children's, along with a book and prayers in their nightly service. We were given dinner from our relatives and friends during the week of Alex's surgery. My co-workers surprised me with the most amazing gift that truly left me speechless and in awe of their generosity. I have had friends who are going through their own drama, stop their lives to offer me help, and continue to check up on us even when their lives are in chaos (thank you Carly!). Today, I was given two prayer blankets from my sister-in-law's, step-mother-in-law (did you follow that). They were prayed on by her friends at her church, and given to both my Alex and Elle along with rosaries and prayers. How lucky can a family get? My grandmother in Michigan, has a quilt that is being made from her church where each woman has hand sewn a patch together and prayed on each knot tied. I can't wait to see what these women have done!

I say screw the "hate" that people see all around them. It has taken a few months of turmoil to realize that there is so much good around us. It is amazing how you can truly see the light of God through the hardest and also the simplest of times. He is here with us. He guides us, walks with us, aids us, and catches us when we fall. He is here in these people. In you and me! Just take a moment to look around you today or tomorrow, and you will see him the faces of those around you who are good, honest, hardworking, and kind. He is in us too, and we need to pay it forward one simple prayer, favor, and kind word at a time.

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