Welcome to the story of my family, and an amazing journey of a little boy who is struggling to make his body work. If you are not familiar with Alex's story, check out my first blog in June (2010)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today is a new day!

Matt accepted a job a few weeks back, and it is finally a reality! He is now an account manager of some asphalt...blah, blah, yaddi, yada, ya, something or other for the entire state of Arkansas. This is the industry he has been in for the last upteen years, and we have finally had a break.

Two years ago, his seemingly perfect job had a bankruptcy problem, and he was sent back to the asphalt trenches. He has been hardworking and has been persistent, and it has finally paid off. Starting today, Matt is now an employee of Delta.

We are so happy because it means a real, future for our family and our kids. The only slight downfall of this job is that he is the manager for the entire state of Arkansas. Yes, if you are reading into this right, we will have to move. For the next year, Matt will be traveling back and forth from Arkansas to Texas. His home office is our friendly guest bedroom; however, once he settles in to those Arkansas ways, we will be packing up and heading out. Goodbye Texas, Hello Arkansas summer 2011. Get your fill of the Hunt family folks, because we are going to be residing somewhere within the great state of Arkansas in the next year!

We know that this adds some stress to Alex' story, but Matt's new boss is a wonderful man who puts family first. He will be able to be around for all our little man's upcoming, whatevers, that he will need! (Sidenote: no word yet on the direction we are going to take with Alex.) I feel that this is exactly where we need to be even though I don't want to leave our families for the life of me.

Matt, I am your biggest fan! I know that you can do this, and I know that it is your time to shine. I love you and I believe in you! Your babies and I are ready to take this journey. You are our hero!

1 comment:

Paige said...

Kelly, I am loving this blog. You are an excellent writer and I can't stop reading. I am adding you to my blog list right now! I love your references to your faith and you have a great attitude about your troubles with your son.